Some books are meant to be read
{your average fiction stuff}; some others are meant to be studied and analysed,
learnt from {my upcoming review : Untold Stories of 20 Brands}; yet others are
informative {India, Uninc, as an example}; and then are those which leave a
deep impression, and provoke thought and discussion {Reforming Institutions,
for example}... rare is the book that combines one or more of all of the above.
The current book is one such.
This is a book which frankly
defies description and categorisation. I cant call it Fiction, since the auther
states it an non-fiction, and concerns a real event in the life of the author.
I cant call it a travelogue, for it is far more than a travelogue. I cant call
it just thought provoking, for it is full of rib-tickling ROFL anecdotes; what
I can and will call it is : a complete entertainer from the first page, right
from the very first page.
Anyways, these three – aah –
geniuses – then proceed to actually
execute the thought or decision. {I mean, seriously, how many of us
actually, truly, really execute all of our decisions and plans? Unreal! Fiction
Book, I would have thought : sad they took photographs as proof!}. To
top it all, they actually do complete the plan, you know. And we, the smart
people, are still at our home / office {hope you are at home reading this, you
shouldn’t read personal stuff in the office} [PS : It is a Sunday and I am very
much at home]. How they do it forms the rest of the book.
The book is written by someone
only identifiable as “Harsha” {I wonder
why? Why not give precise details?}, a person who is a freelance writer and
the author of ‘Monkeys, Motorcycles, and Misadventures’. After graduating with
a Master’s in Business Administration, he worked with a large IT company for a
few years, before taking a sabbatical to trek the Hanuman route. In 2013, he
moved to a beach town, where he spent a year beach bumming, mooching off
family, and writing the current book. The others are Sri {whom I kind
of liked} and the one and only Sam – two friends with whom the author has done
some trekking before...
The author has the choice of
making it like a recipe book, or a visitor’s travelogue by giving precise
details and routes visited; full marks for avoiding that temptation and taking
recourse to a free-wheeling style of writing, which is in keeping with the plot
and the book. While they do have a broad plan, they decide to take it as it
comes; this is the way the author has written the book as well. A
free-wheeling, rambunctious style which makes for absorbing reading.
The book is freely littered
with anecdotes, observations, fights {sorry
guys, I found your fights entertaining at times. Sach hai, dunia hansti hai jab khud rote ho} that have you laughing
at the situation, or the ready wit of the author, or of the comments and the
observations of the three amigos, as the author likes to call himself and his
friends. {Harsh : you did, too. All of once in the book. So there!}. That adds
spice to this highly interesting book, making it a riveting read.
The icing on the cake is the
thought provoking and deep insights, observations, experiences that occur to
our three amigos along their path. These are found throughout the book, and
leave you in quiet contemplation, stunned at times, just thoughtful at others,
at the penetrating observation or the essential truth they contain. These span
the most trivial to the most profound. Sample this little beauty when a kid
walked up with Prasad :
“I wanted to scream at the little girl, tell her the world wasn’t a safe
place; .. but I didn’t... after receiving her kindness, who was I to destroy
her innocence, her unquestioning belief in goodness? Was I a guardian, and of
what? If anything, I had to guard that, the part of humanity’s divinity that I
had just experienced... I wanted to see than innocence for longer, that faith
in humanity; It made me forget my problems and my fears; It was something that
I had lost a long time back, and the loss had left me jaded...”
These little gems are what elevate this book from the mundane to the level
of a collector’s item, a book to be savoured as special, a book to be kept
aside and read again and again when you have free time...
The writing is fluid,
effortless and entertaining; the freewheeling style makes it a rapid and fast
read, This is an ideal book for a journey for casual readers who have begun to
experiment with other genres and styles, as it is a fast read and can be easily
tackled in the free time you have; that is critical as the book literally flows
from start to finish, and it is better if you read it through the first time. For passionate bookaholics of the serious
genre, people who have progressed beyond fiction – this is a must read title. All
in all, I rate it 4 stars out of 5.
"This book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Blog Tours. To get free books log on to"
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