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Showing posts from July, 2019

Inclusive Budget Exercise : The New Zealand LSF Experiment

INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE: THE NEW ZEALAND LSF EXPERIMENT Given below is a fascinating New Experiment by New Zealand in its Annual   Budget Exercise: The LSF - Living Standards Framework. {The following 2 paragraphs have been taken from the article “A Well-Being Fiscal Budget, Business Standard, 17 th July 2019, cross-verified and added on by an article from titled “New Zealand’s well-being approach to budget is not new, but could shift major issues”. I have further accessed a report presented by the Office of the Chief Economic Adviser The Treasury &   Office of the Government Statistician and Chief Executive, Stats NZ} An approach to national budgets which is radically different, and yet intuitively logical... it has 5 priorities: 1)     Transitioning to a Sustainable & Low-Emissions Economy 2)     Boosting innovation, and social and economic opportunities in a digital age 3)    ...

Difference Between Anand and Happiness

Difference Between Anand and Happiness We purchase a new watch, a new dress - we get promoted - our spouse tells us they love you - our children express love for you - is this happinness ? We get a new car, or go out with friends, or listen to music, or watch a movie, or go on a date, or get married, or become a father, or fall in love… is this happiness? We go on a hike, we go to a mall, we achieve the numero uno position; our nation achieves success in something, our community excels or is known for something – is this happiness? This - and any number of such experiences   are not ANAND ... they are not true happiness. Examine them a little closely, minutely - and see they bear the seeds of future   stress; they are born out of negative attributes. A promotion gives you a sense of achievement - what you call happiness is really ego fulfillment; pride; achievement. These are not necessarily negative - pride can also be Rajasik, or a controlled positive sentime...

Unity Of Mind and Body

UNITY OF MIND AND BODY The key learning from the past two days verses of the Upanishads : {.   जो ब्रह्मचर्यादि साधन सम्पन्न है , शान्तात्मा है   ; यज्ञ में मंत्रोच्चारण में प्रवृत्त वाणी और यथार्थ वस्तु के ज्ञान में प्रवृत्त मन - इनके द्वारा यज्ञ प्रवृत्त होता है , यह यज्ञ के मार्ग हैं – refer the slides}   The importance of purity of heart, meaning truth, ahimsa, lack of ahankar-moh-lobh-krodh etc; and the vital point of unity of mind and body {represented by speech}... prayers are to be done by Mind and Body {Speech} WHAT IS THE METHOD OF PRAYING? Simply going to a Mandir, or saying prayers is not the method. A pure mind, with unity of your entire existence is required. While simply doing it does count, however, if your mind is elsewhere while doing it, it is a futility as an exercise, as a Karm.   What is more important is the purity of your mind & heart. This purity cannot be attained without ...

Understanding Karm and Akarm

KARM & AKARM It is commonly thought by us that doing good deeds will help balance our bad deeds, and that atoning for sins can cancel the effect of bad deeds; in this article, I deal with the concept of Karm as is understood by me basis my reading and experiences – references in the Bibliography; and put forth a view basis the scriptures   as I understand them. I am still a student of our scriptures, not an expert by any means – this needs to be clarified at the start of the article itself. KARM There are two concepts, Karm and Akarm. Karm is action, all action we do –whether physical or mental. Each Karm has an effect, a defined counter-reaction; good Karm leads to good tidings in the future, and bad Karm leads to bad tidings. Per my understanding, All Karm creates a reaction. And Good Karm do not cancel our Bad Karm. Every Karm creates an assured reaction; which Jeevatma has to undergo. For rising above it needs reaching Akarm - which will ensure so fur...