तत्त्वमसि: That You Are {Chhandogy Upanishad} : You are that Supreme Brahman. Similarly you have the phrase अहं ब्रम्हास्मि {I am Brahman} from the Bruhadaranyak Upanishad. Both these simple phrases are the keys to an underlying truth that is simplicity itself in its statement, and yet profound in their import while also being incredibly complex and hard to fathom fully in their true depth of meaning and implications that lie dormant in them. This article does not attempt to do any of the above; I am using these phrases as the opening into my introduction to one or two of the foundational realities of the world around us, based on solid scriptural authority. The objective is to instill questioning attitude in the readers’ mind, and hopefully encourage to study it for themselves For starters, both the simple phrases above are by themselves enough to really let loose a series of questions in ourselves : for, if all of us have a Divine presence in us, that we all have the cap...
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